
Conversion from yml to json for user.config.php creates a invalid json object

Cyb3rDudu opened this issue · 7 comments

The json object that is created as parameter for the json_decode call in user.config.php is invalid and so the function return null.
Reproducible on RHEL8 and Ubuntu 20.04

In a test environment it does not become visible unless you test if the values are really overwriting config.php because the issue does not break the script.

Reproduction can be done by adding a line with print $CONFIG or vardump($CONFIG) which both return NULL when executed via php user.config.php

Research so far:

PHP Docs for json_decode()

PHP implements a superset of JSON as specified in the original » RFC 7159.

so i tested an object from my user.config.php file in an online validator

There are more RFC's for Json and the validator has to match to 7159 otherwise the validators show it as valid but json_decode() still returns NULL.

For RFC 8259

For RFC 7159


Finally, the json object that was created as parameter from this role

/* Ansible managed */
$CONFIG = json_decode('{
    "accounts.enable_medial_search": true,
    "allow_user_to_change_display_name": true,
    "apps_paths": [
            "path": "/var/www/owncloud/apps",
            "url": "/apps",
            "writable": false
    "cron_log": true,
    "csrf.disabled": false,
    "default_language": "de_DE",
    "defaultapp": "files",
    "enable_avatars": true,
    "integrity.ignore.missing.app.signature": [
    "knowledgebaseenabled": true,
    "log.syslog.format": "[%reqId%][%remoteAddr%][%user%][%app%][%method%][%url%] %message%",
    "log_rotate_size": 0,
    "log_type": "owncloud",
    "logdateformat": "Y-m-d H:i:s.u",
    "logfile": "/var/log/owncloud.yml",
    "loglevel": 2,
    "logtimezone": "Etc/UTC",
    "memcache.distributed": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
    "memcache.local": "\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu",
    "memcache.locking": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
    "overwrite.cli.url": "loalhost",
    "remember_login_cookie_lifetime": 1296000,
    "session_keepalive": true,
    "session_lifetime": 86400,
    "show_server_hostname": false,
    "skeletondirectory": "/var/www/owncloud/core/skeleton",
    "syslog_tag": "ownCloud",
    "token_auth_enforced": false,
    "trusted_domains": [
    "user.search_min_length": 3,
    "version.hide": true
}', true);

Finally I could limit the issue to the following single failure

Invalid character found at position 3. [Code 180, Structure 0]

Stackoverflow is giving some inputs on that.

As a result, when the playbook executes occ install ... the values from user.config.php are not written into config.php

xoxys commented

Please provide the Ansible variales used for the owncloud role.

xoxys commented

The faulty part is (invalid comma):

    "trusted_domains": [

What I'm wondering about is why the JSON converter adds a comma to this list while it does not to e.g. :

    "integrity.ignore.missing.app.signature": [

Will debug further during this week.

This is the part that we changed.
The customer don't want their internal cluster frontend domains on GitHub.
In the original json object, this was generated as expected.

xoxys commented

I'm not able to reproduce it... Using the variable owncloud_trusted_domains provided by the role to overwrite the default values results in a fully valid JSON object.

Please provide a reproducible example. That means, all owncloud_ variables which results in a malformed JSON object within the user.config.php file while used together with this Ansible role. The main question is still, what variables have you passed to Ansible to get a faulty JSON object.

The ansible variables are set as following:

owncloud_domain: sub.example.com
owncloud_fqdn: "{{ owncloud_domain }}"
  - "f1.example.com"
  - "f2.example.com"
  - "{{ owncloud_domain }}"
owncloud_trusted_domains: "{{ owncloud_domain_list + frontend_domains }}"

This results in the follwing user.config.php:

/* Ansible managed */
$CONFIG = json_decode('{
    "accounts.enable_medial_search": true,
    "allow_user_to_change_display_name": true,
    "apps_paths": [
            "path": "/var/www/owncloud/apps",
            "url": "/apps",
            "writable": false
    "cron_log": true,
    "csrf.disabled": false,
    "default_language": "de_DE",
    "defaultapp": "files",
    "enable_avatars": true,
    "integrity.ignore.missing.app.signature": [
    "knowledgebaseenabled": true,
    "log.syslog.format": "[%reqId%][%remoteAddr%][%user%][%app%][%method%][%url%] %message%",
    "log_rotate_size": 0,
    "log_type": "owncloud",
    "logdateformat": "Y-m-d H:i:s.u",
    "logfile": "/var/log/owncloud.yml",
    "loglevel": 2,
    "logtimezone": "Etc/UTC",
    "memcache.distributed": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
    "memcache.local": "\\\\OC\\\\Memcache\\\\APCu",
    "memcache.locking": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
    "overwrite.cli.url": "sub.example.com",
    "remember_login_cookie_lifetime": 1296000,
    "session_keepalive": true,
    "session_lifetime": 86400,
    "show_server_hostname": false,
    "skeletondirectory": "/var/www/owncloud/core/skeleton",
    "syslog_tag": "ownCloud",
    "token_auth_enforced": false,
    "trusted_domains": [
    "user.search_min_length": 3,
    "version.hide": true
}', true);

The function json_decode returns NULL if this JSON object is given as parameter.
If we dump the variable $CONFIG with var_dump we can confirm the NULL.

Thanks in advance for your help.

The schema of the deployment looks as following:
Roles drawio-2

The first domain points on the external loadbalancer and the 2 other domains are used for the frontends

xoxys commented

Not reproducible. Related to not supported custom modifications to the role.