
Import notes from ownnotes?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'd like to use "notes" as I can use the Android app MyOwnNotes to keep on top of things when I'm on the road. But all my notes are currently in the "ownNotes" app. Is there an easy way to transfer them across? Or to point "notes" to the folder on my server currently used by "ownNotes"?

Thank you!

ownNotes uses databse only storing as far as i know, not filebased storing. in this case you could use phpmyadmin to export your notes and save them as txt files

ownNotes uses databse only storing as far as i know,

you can select that the notes from ownNotes are stored in Storage too, a "Notes" folder will be created.

Once you have it you have to move the Notes folder the "OwnNotes" folder

Then you have to create this converter:

#! /bin/bash
for files in *; do
  echo "$Filename" > ../Notes/"$Filename".txt
  echo "$Filename"
  lynx --dump -nomargins -display_charset UTF-8 ./"$files" >> ../Notes/"$Filename".txt
  lynx --dump -nomargins -display_charset UTF-8 ./"$files"

Go to the ownNotes folder and run the bash script

This will create a copy from the ownNotes files to the Notes files

I hope it helps you ;)