- 5
- 2
PKCE Error, code missing. PKCE documentation missing, then ES256 not supported? What is supported?
#313 opened by ZacharyACoon - 4
Login Succeeds, but Requesting Token causes "Error in OpenIdConnect:PKCE code verifier not specified"
#284 opened by nichogenius - 4
[FR] Autoprovision groups based on userinfo
#300 opened by bcskda - 6
[FR] Groups claim
#320 opened by Joker9944 - 3
- 2
openidconnect 2.3.0 release
#315 opened by jnweiger - 2
[QA] 2.3.0 Testplan
#316 opened by jnweiger - 2
Does not work if config added *after* install, or maybe has error. Had to reinstall to make it work again. Suggest making it automatically re-enable?
#312 opened by ZacharyACoon - 0
Synology as OIDC Provider issues
#310 opened by mostdcoa - 6
- 4
- 1
- 16
- 11
openidconnect 2.2.0
#241 opened by jnweiger - 5
Release Openidconnect 2.1.1
#208 opened by IljaN - 1
logout dosent redirect
#285 opened by pizarrocz - 0
Redirect to OpenID Connect request works in the playground but results in 503 HTTP code on postman or C# code
#295 opened by VonVega - 3
FR: Add support for CAS Apereo
#294 opened by wixaw - 0
phpunit tests are failing in nighlty
#291 opened by SwikritiT - 7
- 8
Password Policy App and OIDC login
#270 opened by T0mWz - 4
- 5
- 3
[QA] 2.2.0 Testplan
#240 opened by jnweiger - 8
- 1
phpstan failed nightly
#279 opened by saw-jan - 2
[QA] desktop client does not start oidc flow
#251 opened by jnweiger - 4
[QA] autoprovisioning from keycloak causes internal server error during very first login when ther eis no picture
#273 opened by jnweiger - 1
Setup transifex and stuff
#256 opened by DeepDiver1975 - 3
[QA] complicated recovery after error messges
#213 opened by jnweiger - 2
[FR] Optimise bundle for usage with OneLogin
#229 opened by d7oc - 3
PKCE code verifier not specified
#249 opened by WYmindsky - 0
Update jumbojett/OpenID-Connect-PHP
#254 opened by DeepDiver1975 - 4
- 1
App access with openid-connect in owncloud
#244 opened by mano87 - 2
Does it work with the Encryption Module?
#230 opened by rstefko - 1
- 1
PKCE issue.
#221 opened by tbs575 - 4
PKCE error with cookie.samesite
#219 opened by tbs575 - 2
PKCE code error
#218 opened by tbs575 - 1
empty json array in db leads to error, although a valid fallback is present in config.php
#191 opened by jnweiger - 2
Wrong assumption about access token as JWT
#217 opened by rizlas - 4
[QA] 2.1.1 Testplan
#210 opened by jnweiger - 2
[QA] Allow ownCloud step is missing when using Azure
#214 opened by jnweiger - 4
Public Link Uploads Fail for Anonymous Users
#203 opened by tryton-vanmeer - 2
Allow to change autodiscovery URL
#211 opened by dorianim - 3
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