
Nightly is failing in `phpstan`

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The nightly is failing with

1 package you are using is looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
php -d zend.enable_gc=0 vendor-bin/phpstan/vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --memory-limit=4G --configuration=./phpstan.neon --no-progress --level=5 appinfo lib
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   lib/FileService.php                                                          
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         Ignored error pattern #Method                                                
         invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required.# in path                              
         /var/www/owncloud/server/apps/richdocuments/lib/FileService.php was          
         not matched in reported errors.                                              
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 [ERROR] Found 1 error                                                          

Related core issue: owncloud/core#39630