
CSS file is not available in the last package

jesuismaxime opened this issue · 4 comments

As the documentation state, i used import '@ownego/polaris-vue/dist/styles.css' to import the CSS into my main.js file, but it results in this compilation error:

Failed to resolve import "@ownego/polaris-vue/dist/styles.css"

@jesuismaxime You can check in your node_modules directory to see if there is css file or not.
I guess this issue happens because you have alias @ or node_modules as different path in Vite config.

There's no CSS file in the package except a polaris.css in the /lib directory – which is not exported so cannot be used. In fact there's no /dist at all in the node_modules directory, event VSCode is not able to complete any import path.

Note: I used @ alias on every project and that never causes a conflit, whether it's a npm package or github package. Although, I changed my @ alias to something else to be 100% certain that this doesn't cause the error.

In the mean time, I copied the CSS file from the Storybook doc to be able to test out this library.

I've deployed version 1.3.6 that fix this issue. You can try to upgrade.
Thank you.