
Kriptou (crypto) SDK for JavaScript - A library that gives you access to the underlying blockchain

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Kriptou (crypto) SDK for JavaScript

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A library that gives you access to the underlying blockchain

  • all client side
  • no backend needed

Getting started


Without configuration


With configuration

         * The log level.
        logger: {
            level: 'info'

         * Chain/network configuration.
        chain: {
            performValidation: boolean,
            delayValidation: boolean,
            supportedChains: [Kriptou.supportedNetworks.Rinkarby],
            walletNotConnectedHandler: () => {
                // When the wallet is not connected 
            chainCheckFailedHandler: () => {
                // When the current Chain Id selected in the wallet needs to be changed
             * Whether the page reloads when the chain/network has changed.
            changeReloadEnabled: boolean

         * Accounts configuration.
        accounts: {
             * Whether the page reloads when the account has changed.
             * When the `changeHandler` is configured this setting is ignored and the page reload will not execute.
            changeReloadEnabled: boolean,

             * Handler to execute when the account has changed.
             * When this handler is configured then the page will not auto reload, the developer will have to implement the
             * page-reload in the handler if this behaviour is required.
            changeHandler: (accounts: Array<string>) => {
                // When the account has changed (accounts is string array of connected wallet addresses)


React to 'UserLoggedIn' event (async):

        listener: 'ListenerName ',
        event: Kriptou.events.UserLoggedIn
    (user: Kriptou.Types.User) => {
        // do something with 'user'

This subscribe method returns a Kriptou.Types.Subscription which can be used to unsubscribe again.

React to 'NetworkUpdated' event (async):

        listener: 'ListenerName',
        event: Kriptou.events.NetworkUpdated
    (network: Kriptou.Types.Network | undefined) => {
        // do something with 'network', if undefined then selected network not supported

This subscribe method returns a Kriptou.Types.Subscription which can be used to unsubscribe again.

Signature methods


Calculates an Ethereum specific signature (web3.eth.personal.sign).



Verifies whether the connected address (or the one provided as argument) signed the data with the sign method.

It uses the getSigner method under the hood.



Gets the account (web3.eth.personal.ecRecover) that signed the data with the sign method.


Next steps

Connect wallet


Retrieve user


Switch network


Browser applications

Angular project

(This documentation should live in an angular seed project rather)

With a newly created angular project, with angular-cli, ensure the following configs:


Put this file in the root of your project:

const webpack = require('webpack');

module.exports = {
    node: {
        global: true
    resolve: {
        fallback: {
            stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'),
            crypto: require.resolve('crypto-browserify'),
            assert: require.resolve('assert/'),
            http: require.resolve('stream-http'),
            https: require.resolve('https-browserify'),
            os: require.resolve('os-browserify/browser'),
            path: require.resolve('path-browserify'),
            url: false,
            events: require.resolve('events/')
    plugins: [
        new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
            process: 'process/browser',
            Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer']

Node modules


npm i stream-browserify crypto-browserify assert stream-http https-browserify os-browserify path-browserify events

Dev dependencies:

npm i @angular-builders/custom-webpack process --save-dev