Frontend doesn't show any points
skorphil opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi, i have Recorder running on vps_ip:8083 (can be accessed via browser). I used DockerImage to run Recorder
I have tried to install Frontend using docker jn the same machine sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 -e SERVER_HOST=vps_ip -e SERVER_PORT=8083 owntracks/frontend
I tried to open vps_ip:80 and accessed Frontend, but there is no points at all (while there are locations in Recorder on vps_ip:8083)
After pressing info button in Frontend i see (Loading version...)
So seems like Frontend cant connect to Recorder somehow.
In the browser inspector I see error Request URL: http://vps_ip/api/0/list
bad gateway
I've tried to access http://vps_ip/api/0/list via browser and it's not working while http://vps_ip :8083 /api/0/list worked
Is there any way to diagnose and connect Frontend to Recorder?
is accessible from within the docker network, the docker image is a simple nginx reverse proxy. You may have to provide an internal docker hostname or IP instead.