
Active Project?

luandro opened this issue Β· 43 comments

Has the project died out?


I have someone who might be interested in the ruins of this project..

I'm still working towards it however, I'm mostly just learning to do data scraping with Python, and I am only able to work on it in free time in between work and school.

I may eventually take it up myself and contact Owoki about it, but if that does happen it will be on a 6 month to 1 year timeframe.

Updated readme today because it was horribly busted. I've mostly been trading/HODLing crypto manually and that's been going well. If folks are interested in building momentum (needed: funding, coding, hosting, etc) for this project once again, please feel free to comment on this thread.

I find this project interesting but lack the technical knowledge of django and sklearn/pybrain to help much. Owocki, do you have any suggestions for good resources that helped you get your head around sklearn and pybrain?

I find this project interesting but lack the technical knowledge of django and sklearn/pybrain to help much. Owocki, do you have any suggestions for good resources that helped you get your head around sklearn and pybrain?

If I were to re-engage on this project today, I would build it with Tensorflow. There are very good tutorials on their website.

I find trading bots with artificial intelligence amazing. Money-making machines. Why this project died? Did it really die or transformed?

I have a Kraken account that has 0% maker fees, so this may be profitable for me if it could be reworked to use Kraken API.

How much could it generate per day trading USD/ETH with no maker fees and 0.1% taker fees?

Fees are whole part of profit calculation. If you end up with a -0.1 btc it means your strategy is not profitable (not talking about infrastructure cost, energy cost, data connexion cost... which are all part of the equation).
How come for trader such excuse can even be accepted ?

So, has someone revived the project or not?

some body grab the code from this repo - and do a PR https://github.com/llens/CryptoCurrencyTrader

Cool, good to see that someone cares about this code :D

glad to see someone building a similar project from first principles. i get 50 inquiries from people who want to revive this project for every 1 who wants to build something similar from first principles. @llens, @johndpope good luck to you!

so at face value - throwing machine learning + bitcoin seems like a neat idea.
not to bust anyone's bubble - but the underlying data besides price / trades/ market orders is the crypto difficulty. when this goes down - you're going to see the price go down.
This is unlikely to stay down for long / we may see this drop back with BCC in coming week https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty
so let me spare you the data training / time and machine learning.
just buy bitcoin + hold it. For every sell order (up to the finish line of mining) that preceded the last one will have been sold for less than it's worth. In 20 years time from now, you'll be able to buy your kids a house with it.
screen shot 2017-07-28 at 11 51 36 am

Hello, I want to see the code hidden, thank you

Hi, Can someone able to run the code?

I'd like to see a revival!

I'd like to see a revival!

if someone wants to scope a revival, i'd happily help with funding and finding smart people to work on it

I've been giving it some thought again. In a month or two, my FT job will be in dealing with CryptoCurrencies once more, so I've got the bug once more to get back into it.

@Snipa22 hey man, long time no talk. lets catch up ! whats a good way to get in touch with you!?
email me: kevin at gitcoin dot co

Software developer here who also has the crypto bug. Would gladly help out if there was anyone to take lead.

Was anything decided with restarting development? I would be interested.

i think that if i was going to recommend anyone for taking the helm for a v2, it'd be @Snipa22 .. if someone wants to get organized, i'm happy to help move the interest from this repo (and slack group) to the new project

Sorry, I've been massively busy trying to get caught up on personal stuff and finishing out one of my jobs, down to one FT now! Yay. That being said, I've got a bunch of 1080 ti's, 1050 ti's and other gear together to start picking this project up (Including a massive local DB server, and infiniband for everything Drools)

I'll likely be starting a new repo in a couple of weeks when I polish off the last of my current projects, including some updates to the pool software I write. The overall goal will be to split up the monolith a bit that was this project, shift ML techniques (Tensor Flow, lets not lie) to a specialized daemon that can grab work, work on it, then insert a result into the database as expected on it's own. Dedicated frontend API, rather than a kind of hybrid system, a front-end project, likely Vue.js or Angular.JS. Likely still backed by PGSQL, but moving up to PGSQL 10. Most likely, we'll utilize Redis as a backend queue of "work that needs to be done."

The idea is that breaking this up should make it easier for us to farm out work to people who are interested in parts of it. Web-devs can rely on a standardized API, API devs can worry about the DB, and the ML techniques can be implemented as modules within the main ML parser. By splitting this up, people can stick to their specialties. I'm not a ML expert, but I've got enough scratched up in my head that I think I can at least get that and the API projects started. Front-end, I am most certianly not an expert in.

I will be willing to work on integrating this with Binance API.

hey there, is there an update on Bot Trader for Poloniex that work and we can tweak a little bit about the strategy?

Building this out with quant and qaul ML models.
Anyone interested, please feel free to contact me @ CMagistrado@gmail.com

@CMagistrado how is your progress so far? I'm also interested in getting into this

@Snipa22 Hi, how is going? Interested in this project and want to know how to join in. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!

@Snipa22 happy to help with the DB and API 2 DB side of things.

d3sm0 commented

@Snipa22 @CMagistrado

I'm confident in RL and DL. But happy to help wherever is needed. Is your fork public?

Hey everyone, we’ve created a very profitable trading bot at http://atntrading.co. We are working with high net worth crypto individuals and crypto funds. If you’re looking for a solution similar to this project, you should check ours out.

@neboscott Is that contribution to open-source community? NO? Then please, show yourself out.
This is no place for advertising.

It'd be great to see this project alive again :)

If there was ever a moment the world needed an open source automated crypto trader, it is now.