// Myntflo was created to be used as a marketing amplifier that rewards engaged users with collectible and transferable NFTs that transform into self-generating loyalty points, as coins.
// This implementation is designed to showcase basic minting, earning and spending functionality.
// The platform is intended to be customised for individual client requirements.
// these are the final contracts used by myntflo.io and deployed on Ploygon Mainnet:
// ERC721_NFT_CONTRACT=0xDED7BDD4c93152Fa08102ebc1971C320f512eC41
// TOKEN_CONTRACT=0xF624F029c557D9e246Bf19f066885eeb19A07Ba7
// STAKING_CONTRACT=0xe6a82adf644763ca2C3B47C5850c833542C3a098
// MARKETPLACE_CONTRACT=0xa470AaCD24AF301793c687225cb66096cd28f5b7
// ERC_1155_PRODUCTS_CONTRACT=0x669ccF3b9d22bAD79A176eD30281E667E5Fd55de