
open information panel when initially onload the page

ldkingvivi opened this issue · 2 comments

right now the information panel only open when onclick the node or the url inside the information panel, is there a way to show the information panel for one node by default when people load/open the page without clicking

Hi Guys,

Any update on this issue?


When a user clicks a node, the nodeActive function is called with the node's id as its single parameter. You can manually call this function after the page loads or at the end of the (dataReady([https://github.com/oxfordinternetinstitute/InteractiveVis/blob/master/network/js/main.js#L111] function if you wish to simulate the action of the user having clicked the node. Note that this will result in non-connected nodes being dimmed/hidden (depending on the configuration settings).

I have no plans to build this into the toolkit at present, but if you do build a general approach (e.g., adding a showOnLoadNode parameter or similar to the config.json, please do contribute back with a pull request and I can merge into the repository.