
dtest can't install

Opened this issue · 2 comments

On stock bits:

rm@turin:~$ pfexec pkg install pkg:/system/dtrace/tests
Creating Plan (Solver setup): \
pkg install: No matching version of system/dtrace/tests can be installed:
  Reject:  pkg://helios-dev/system/dtrace/tests@0.5.11-1.0.21248:20220920T024646Z
  Reason:  No version for 'require' dependency on runtime/java/runtime64 can be found

It'd be nice if this did work out of the box.

I have added a renamed package entry to the helios-dev repository:

$ pkg contents -rm runtime/java/runtime64
set name=pkg.fmri value=pkg://helios-dev/runtime/java/runtime64@0,5.11-1.0:20221022T152436Z
set name=pkg.renamed value=true
depend fmri=pkg:/runtime/java/openjdk11 type=require

This will allow things to work, even though our Java packages have long been called something other than what they used to be called in Solaris. I'm going to do some follow-up work upstream to make this more configurable in the build environment file too, so I'll leave this open for now.

Thank you, this is working now.