
`gmake setup` fails building pilot

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Previously I was able to with an active ssh agent perform a git clone and gmake setup of the helios repo. This has started failing after the introduction of pilot:

rm@atrium ~/src/stlouis $ gmake setup
Mar 08 18:03:35.225 INFO building project "pinprick" ok (0 seconds)
Mar 08 18:03:35.225 INFO building project "pilot" at /home/rm/src/stlouis/projects/pilot
Mar 08 18:03:35.225 INFO exec: ["cargo", "build", "--locked", "--release"], pwd: Some("/home/rm/src/stlouis/projects/pilot")
Mar 08 18:03:35.569 INFO E| Updating git repository `https://github.com/oxidecomputer/boot-image-tools`
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| error: failed to get `bootserver` as a dependency of package `pilot v0.1.0 (/home/rm/src/stlouis/projects/pilot)`
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| Caused by:
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| failed to load source for dependency `bootserver`
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| Caused by:
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| Unable to update https://github.com/oxidecomputer/boot-image-tools#6936de2a
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| Caused by:
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| failed to fetch into: /home/rm/.cargo/git/db/boot-image-tools-8f0601d747d64acf
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| Caused by:
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| failed to authenticate when downloading repository
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| * attempted to find username/password via git's `credential.helper` support, but failed
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| if the git CLI succeeds then `net.git-fetch-with-cli` may help here
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/config.html#netgit-fetch-with-cli
Mar 08 18:03:35.946 INFO E| Caused by:
Mar 08 18:03:35.947 INFO E| failed to acquire username/password from local configuration
Error: exec ["cargo", "build", "--locked", "--release"]: failed ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(25856))
gmake: *** [Makefile:42: setup] Error 1

I don't know if we'll need to do updates or other things, but filing this just since the top-level build fails with basic out of the box instructions.

@rmustacc Is this fixed for you now?

Yes, I believe it's been fixed at this point. Closing it out. Sorry for the delay here.