
Conversion of `InnerFlowId` to SDT args appears expensive

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We seem to be spending around 13% of Port::process by calling flow_id_sdt_arg::from for the benefit of its many dtrace probes -- many times per packet, as we have pre/post-processing and per-layer probes. We should either cache this, or find an adequate #[repr(C)] for InnerFlowId so that we don't need to perform a conversion.


I spent some time noodling on this before now, and returned to it today. Removing all calls to flow_id_sdt_arg and port_process_return_probe (#460) gives us ballpark xde_rx processing times like the below client-to-server iperf (using raw output to save time):

           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count    
           < 256 |                                         0        
             256 |                                         6        
             512 |                                         372      
             768 |                                         8798     
            1024 |@@                                       277299   
            1280 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                    2381870  
            1536 |@@@@@@@                                  782531   
            1792 |@@@                                      360863   
            2048 |@@@                                      333294   
            2304 |@@                                       194406   
            2560 |                                         55506    
            2816 |                                         26438    
            3072 |                                         18613    
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count    
             256 |                                         0        
             512 |                                         28       
             768 |@@                                       176626   
            1024 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                      1987676  
            1280 |@@@@@@@                                  747631   
            1536 |@@@                                      324862   
            1792 |@@@@                                     383692   
            2048 |@                                        127578   
            2304 |                                         45411    
            2560 |                                         25437    
            2816 |                                         37834    
            3072 |@                                        84534    

So these are very worthwhile (in combination with #460), but I'm seeing some bizarreness in two locations when using either a valid #[repr(C)] flow ID or e.g. passing a null ptr for the flow_id_arg to the SDT. Calling either __dtrace_probe_uft__tcp__closed or __dtrace_probe_flow__expired causes a kernel panic due to a null-ptr (or other bad address) dereference several functions up (e.g., in update_tcp_entry when trying to match on &TcpDirection), but only when these probes are called -- and not on all codepaths. Register values for supposed pointers also contain values like 2, which smells like an enum discriminant to me. I'll need to look into whether black_boxing the probe calls will prevent whatever weirdness is happening.