
INSERT USING appears not to respect graph restriction

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
With data in multiple graphs, when performing a INSERT .. USING (NAMED) .. WHERE query, the WHERE clause still appears to be scoped to all graphs, not just the ones specified in the USING clause(s).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Which version of Oxigraph are you using? On which platform?
    Official docker image oxigraph/oxigraph:v0.3.19

  2. A command line or a code snippet that triggers the bug.

    PREFIX ex: <http://example.org/ns#>
        GRAPH ex:graph1 { ex:sub1 a ex:Thing . }
        # Having the same triple present in more than one graph ..
        GRAPH ex:graph2 { ex:sub1 a ex:Thing . }
    INSERT {
        # .. and inserting a bnode-referenced triple against it ..
        GRAPH ex:public { ?s ex:prop1 [ ex:fromGraph ?g ] . }
    # .. despite the single graph restriction
    USING NAMED ex:graph1
    WHERE {
        VALUES ?s { ex:sub1 } .
        # this appears to match both graphs
        GRAPH ?g { ?s a ex:Thing . }
    • Expected: A single <bnode> ex:fromGraph ex:graph1 triple is added by the 2nd update query.
    • Actual: Two of these triples are added with objects ex:graph1 & ex:graph2
    • This happens with both USING and USING NAMED
Tpt commented

Thank you for this other great bug report!

I have started investigate it, my finding is that it is related to facebook/rocksdb#2343 (iteration inside of transaction does not enforces the given key prefix and, so, might iterate on the full index, causing unexpected reads). This RocksDB fix seems to fix the bug. I upgrade RocksDB in #656

I can confirm that the latest ghcr.io/oxigraph/oxigraph:main Docker image fixes this. Thank you!

Tpt commented

Released in 0.3.20. Thank you again!