
SERVICE support for In-Memory store

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I like to use SPARQL to process in-memory datasets in JavaScript. The icing on cake would be supporting the SERVICE keyword so I can enrich the in-memory dataset with data from a remote endpoint

For example, if the in-memory data has names for some entities, I could enrich it with the city of such entities from a remote endpoint.

INSERT { ?s :city ?city }
    ?s :name ?name
    SERVICE <http://my.endpoint/query> {
        ?s :city ?city

A cumbersome alternative is to explicitly extract the bindings from the in-memory dataset:

SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s :name ?name }

query the remote endpoint injecting the bindings:

CONSTRUCT { ?s :city ?city } WHERE { 
  ?s :city ?city 
  VALUES ?s { :a :b :c }

and use JavaScript code to add the triples from the endpoint into the in-memory dataset.

Tpt commented

Hi! Thank you for trying Oxigraph! Yes, it would be great indeed, it's on my TODO!