
Sensor doesn't work properly :/

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First of all, Unfortunately it didn't work with 3.3v. I connected it to 5v and used 10k pull ups for scl and sda. And Int connected to 3.3v directly (without a pull up)(it doesn't matter whether it is connected to 3.3v or not. I tried both of them) it doesn't detect beats when I put my findger on sensor. It shows "Heart rate:0.00bpm / Spo2 :0%" but when I pull my finger back for 1 or 2 cms above, it detect the beats. But values are not right. Random things.like 63, 100,151,...
İ have to RCWL and tried both them too. But it is still the same :/

When you say that it didn't work with 3.3V, which pullups for SDA/SCL did you use?
I guess that if you used 10k it might be too large for the 400kHz data rate, depending on how you wired up the board. Use 4,7k or less, the datasheet limits only the lower bound which is 500Ohm (NOTE: only for the I2C interface, not for the interrupt line).
And another guess is that it starts reporting when you change the capacitance of the package by pulling the finger away..

Follow the guidelines you see here: https://github.com/oxullo/Arduino-MAX30100/blob/master/extras/arduino-wiring.pdf

The INT line is unused by the current implementation of the driver, but if you want to use it, it must be pulled up as well since it's an open drain output. Check the datasheet for more info, but even here a 4,7k pullup would do.

Glad that you have it working. I'll be adding a public interface for adjusting the bias current of the IR LED so no modifications of the library will be needed

I am using RCWL max30100 I have problem in glow led. If I connect IR and irD with ground it start glow but in program it just initializing max30100

The connection are
Vin to 5v
Sda to A4(with resistor 4.7)
Scl to A5(with resistor 4.7)
Int no connection
IR to ground ( with resistor)
IRD to ground( with resistor)
Gnd to gnd

i have a problem with max30100 sensor .if i keep my finger on the sensor it shows some values and if i keep my mobile also it shows some values .it detects every thing and gives values.i didnot connect resistors ,capacitors externally. what can i do to solve this ?

The connection are
Vin to 5v
Sda to A4(with resistor 4.7)
Scl to A5(with resistor 4.7)
Int no connection
IR to ground ( with resistor)
IRD to ground( with resistor)
Gnd to gnd

Me too,
What solution did you give him?

This video might help you, in this video, an Indian guy explained the issue in detail with the help of the max30100 sensor schematic diagram, and solved it in two ways. https://youtu.be/ZqdmA4NAqb0