
Question about INT pin and LED value

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Hello thank you for great library. I already test the library with ESP32 and GY-MAX30100 board and it turns out work really well. I have some question because i can't find it anywhere and i don't really understand when i read the datasheet of MAX30100.

  1. What is the function of INT pin or interrupt pin? What can i do to the sensor with INT pin? Is there any specific reason why you don't use the pin in the code?
  2. I need raw data value from the LED and i want to use that data from Example Raw Data for regression etc. Could i use the raw data from that example? If i can use that what exactly the value refers to? I mean when i put my finger on the sensor the value becomes 50000++ and when i didn't put my finger it becomes 2000 or lower, so what does that value mean? The brightness of LED? The pulse? The voltage?

I hope i could get answer soon because i need the explanation for my project. Thank you very much and sorry for my bad english.