
When import qrng module I get ModuleNotFoundError

synco1111 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to play a bit with the qRNG module based on the provided documentation, but from unknown reason I keep get the following error:

import qrng

IBM_TOKEN = 1111*******
qrng.set_provider_as_IBMQ(IBM_TOKEN ) #empty string denotes local backend which can only use 'qasm_simulator'
qrng.set_backend('ibmq_london') #no args defaults to `qasm_simulator`
print(qrng.get_random_int32()) #generate a random 64 bit integer 10110319200202513540
rand_int = qrng.get_random_double(0,1) #generate a random 64 bit double between 0 to 1 0.9843570286395331

Once I try to run the script I get the following error:

Exception has occurred: ModuleNotFoundError
No module named 'qiskit'

Any chance you familiar with that issue?

IDE: vscode - latest version 
Windows operation system

Did you check whether qiskit is installed?
If it is not installed, please refer to the following: