
global CSS names missing namespaces

Opened this issue · 4 comments

The css in this project isn't namespaced which means it's pretty much unusable to insert anywhere

.icon.dropdown-more {

One good example is dropdown which is a pretty generic style name to globally overwrite

Hello @solomon23, can you review this PR #50 ?

Did I understand you correctly? Every .css file should have his own namespace, and components that used it should be wrapped into <svg> tag which define namespace?

@DiggesT I don't think that's what was meant. Many of the CSS classnames used in this library can end up conflicting with existing styles.

A common solution to this would be to prefix the classnames (for example with verbum-) - so instead of dropdown it would be verbum-dropdown.

This would allow us to easily override the styles of Verbum components without side effects.

Ya what @squishyu said

In case anyone wants to push this forward, I have forked this repo with some personalized changes - the first one being adding className prefixes: squishyu@c578c74

It would need some cleaning up and frankly, I don't have enough free time for that.