
Proxied IP instead correct Ip

shark2380 opened this issue · 6 comments

Good morning,
i'm trying to set it up on raspberry pi4, but it update the A record with the proxied ip instead the reeal wan ip. How do i solved it?

Thanks in advance

in a rough way i have modified the script keeping only the line giving me the right IP address.

I'm getting the same issue, updating with proxied IP instead of wan IP. Any idea how to fix this?

LJRH commented

Same issue: Raspberry pi 4, ubuntu 20.04 using docker-compose with the latest tag.

adding this was the fix for me;

-e CUSTOM_LOOKUP_CMD=curl -sf4 https://ipinfo.io | jq -r '.ip'

I also fixed my issue with a similar method to @rotordock. I added the following environment variable for public IP lookup:

-e CUSTOM_LOOKUP_CMD="curl 'https://api.ipify.org?format=json' | jq -r '.ip'"

This fixed the issue for me.

After all this homemade fix I close the issue. Hope that the manteiner take a hint on how to improve him code for everyone. I don't know how to update it on github