
Issues with random connects between google home and homebridge

SK8081 opened this issue · 10 comments

Google home hub keeps telling me homebridge is not available. Lights work fine with Siri but not Google home hub. Is this an issue with the web connection?

Same just started happening for me, restarting homebridge helps but that not really a fix at all

Same here as well. Seems to be random. Sometimes it works if I ask Google a second time to perform an action.

Same here as well. Seems to be random. Sometimes it works if I ask Google a second time to perform an action.

Just a idea are you using the shell platform on homebride, its known for slowing down homebridge and im wondering if its a timeout issue?

I think it is an issue with the back end cloud communications

Yep, same here.

Connected (5) - wss://homebridge-gsh.iot.oz.nu
[28/03/2022, 01:18:06] [Google Smart Home] Disconnected (5) - Retry in 5000ms
[28/03/2022, 01:18:11] [Google Smart Home] Reconnecting (5)
[28/03/2022, 01:18:42] [Google Smart Home] Error (6) - connect ETIMEDOUT
[28/03/2022, 01:18:42] [Google Smart Home] Disconnected (6) - Retry in 5000ms

Hi, same here, but no github activity the last month for @oznu ... Hope he's alright...

Would be nice if the source code for the cloud server was avaliable so I don't have to rely on someone server. With gone assistant they provide the guide to setup your own server if you don't want to pay or want to run it locally

same here

same here:

[4/4/2022, 3:04:53 PM] [Google Smart Home] Disconnected (39) - Retry in 5000ms
[4/4/2022, 3:04:58 PM] [Google Smart Home] Reconnecting (39)
[4/4/2022, 3:05:12 PM] [Google Smart Home] Connected (40) - wss://homebridge-gsh.iot.oz.nu
oznu commented

I'm aware this service has had a few issues lately. I've finally gotten time to migrate the server component to new infrastructure that should handle the load more seamlessly.