
public/css/app.css undoes changes automatically

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It seems like public/css/app.css automatically undoes some changes I make to the file, like when I add extra classes I need. Am I missing something about the working of the file? Or should I add these classes somewhere else?

if you are using laravel mix then yes the public/css/app.css file will be overwritten any time laravel mix runs

you must make the changes in resources/css/app.css as this is the source file that generates the one in the public folder

if you are using the new vite bundler then it's probably out of the scope of this package since it does not produce a file for public/css/app.css as it all happens through JS

I'm using Mix indeed, I will be trying to write it in resources/. Thank you for the advice!

@ozziexsh Where can I find the code that redirects the user after logging in?

authentication in jetstream is handled by fortify

checkout the docs here
