
Named exports

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hey there!

Since the project is in TypeScript, and named exports are more idiomatic in that world, is there any possibility to get the components to be exported this way? I know Inertia pages still likely need to be default exports, but everything else could theoretically be named.

I'm happy to open a PR for this since I've converted everything in my own project. I'd love to never have to do that again if possible 😅


hey thanks for raising this - i prefer default exports for the sake of consistency and knowing what the "main" entity is in a file, and since there are no concrete advantages to named vs default exports i'm going to leave it as is

this repo is set up in a way that you can fork it and easily make any modifications you want to support your own desires/needs though, see the "building locally" section of the readme to set this up for yourself :)
