
error[E0658]: inclusive range syntax is experimental

snd3r opened this issue · 2 comments

snd3r commented

Hi, your work looks interesting, but I can not compile the program:

   --> src/model.rs:209:56
209 |                 ScrollAnchor::Bottom => active_streams[..=self.scroll_index].iter().rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
    |                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0658]: inclusive range syntax is experimental (see issue #28237)
  --> src/view.rs:68:27
68 |                 for i in (1..=full_intervals).rev() {
   |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0658]: inclusive range syntax is experimental (see issue #28237)
  --> src/view.rs:87:46
87 |                     ScrollAnchor::Bottom => (0..=self.scroll_index).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
   |                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0658]: inclusive range syntax is experimental (see issue #28237)
   --> src/view.rs:267:23
267 |         let values = (1..=graph_width).rev().map(|i| if i <= self.values.len() {
    |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to 4 previous errors

error: failed to compile `hegemon v0.1.0`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-install.POe4RVRjfECW`

Caused by:
  Could not compile `hegemon`.

# uname -a
Linux 4.15.0-34-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Aug 27 15:21:48 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
# cargo version
cargo 0.26.0

What rust version do you use? Run rustc -V. I think the inclusive range syntax is enabled in the current stable release.

p-e-w commented

Inclusive range syntax was stabilized in Rust 1.26. As stated in the README, that is the minimum version supported by Hegemon.