
Next season gets monitored but searching fails because of API error.

Closed this issue · 1 comments


since the last update, next seasons only get monitored, not searched.

2024-04-16T22:55:42.171074Z  INFO prefetcharr: prefetcharr 0.7.0
2024-04-16T22:55:42.235646Z  INFO prefetcharr: Start watching Jellyfin sessions
2024-04-16T23:00:43.391992Z  INFO prefetcharr::process: title="The Simpsons" now_playing=NowPlaying { series: Tvdb(71663), episode: 22, season: 4 }
2024-04-16T23:00:43.393070Z  INFO prefetcharr::process: Searching next season num=5
2024-04-16T23:00:43.533372Z ERROR prefetcharr::process: Failed to process err=HTTP status client error (401 Unauthorized) for url (http://localhost:8989/api/v3/command)

Sonarr log says [Info] Sonarr.Http.Authentication.ApiKeyAuthenticationHandler: AuthenticationScheme: API was challenged.
API key is correct and remained unchanged between versions.

Yes, that's a bug. prefetcharr 0.7.1 is being deployed.
Thanks for reporting!