
run_expt.py: --device argument doesn't set the device

vvolhejn opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey, I'm running Wilds on a p2.8xlarge AWS EC2 instance with 8 K80 GPUs. I noticed that when I try to run run_expt.py and use the --device argument to divide the jobs I'm trying to run between the GPUs, they all end up running on GPU 0. I verified this by the memory usage in nvidia-smi as well as printing the device used by torch using torch.cuda.current_device(). My guess is that the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable, set here, is set too late and PyTorch just defaults to device 0.

I've worked around this by setting the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES variable manually, before running the script. I just thought I'd let you know I encountered this issue.

Really appreciate the project by the way! Being able to access multiple datasets for domain generalization with the same interface is really useful, and I managed to use run_expt pretty easily to run my own experiments.