Unable to Train ERM model with civilcomments
Bluepossibility opened this issue · 3 comments
I am having trouble in running the code with command
python3 wilds/examples/run_expt.py --dataset civilcomments --algorithm ERM --root_dir data --download
Everything stuck, no error reported, both GPU and CPU are not leveraged.
The same thing didn't happen when I tried to run the same script but with groupDRO.
It would be very helpful if you have any clue on this, and thank you a lot for your amazing, well developed code!
Sorry, but we haven't encountered this error before. The groupDRO code is very similar to the ERM code, so if the former is working, I think it might not be anything specific to ERM that's causing the issue.
(The same command works on our end.)
Thanks, the erm model runs just fine when we tried to run the command on another VM, still not sure what's the reason why the previous one not working though. Thank you a lot for your time and help anyway!