Fail to download ogb-molpcba dataset caused by the version of torch_geometric.
CBQu opened this issue · 1 comments
CBQu commented
I ran python wilds/wilds/ --root_dir data --datasets ogb-molpcba
And got an error message like this.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "wilds/wilds/", line 34, in <module>
File "wilds/wilds/", line 27, in main
File "..../wilds/", line 52, in get_dataset
from wilds.datasets.ogbmolpcba_dataset import OGBPCBADataset
File "..../wilds/datasets/", line 7, in <module>
from import Collater as PyGCollater
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''
I found it is caused by torch_geometric changing the module name or moving the function.
I fixed it by changing from import Collater as PyGCollater
to from torch_geometric.loader.dataloader import Collater as PyGCollater
. And successfully downloaded the data.
I guess you could check the dependency and solve it. The version of my torch_geometric is 2.0.2.
BTW This benchmark is very useful. It would be nice to have a TensorFlow version. I am looking forward to it.
kohpangwei commented
Thank you for flagging this! We've made the fix at 3da4b35.