Soccer for Hackers - a CLI for all the football scores.
An API key from will be required and you can register for one here.
$ pip install soccer-cli
Set your API key in an environment variable SOCCER_CLI_API_TOKEN
For example:
$ git clone
$ cd soccer-cli
$ python install
You can set the API key using an environment variable as shown above or create a file .soccer-cli.ini
in your home folder (/home/username/.soccer-cli.ini
) that contains only your API token, such that:
$ cat /home/username/.soccer-cli.ini
Currently supports Linux, Mac OS X, NetBSD, FreeBSD and Windows.
To get colorized terminal output on Windows, make sure to install ansicon and colorama.
Specifically for the Windows terminal, by default the terminal may be limited in size(width) even when enlarged, However, this can be dealt with by running the commands
mode 800 for more info. please check this stackoverflow post
from resources import Soccer
soccer = Soccer()
# to get all competitions
response = soccer.competitions().query.get()
# to get a single competition
response = soccer.competitions(2021).query.get()
# to apply filters i.e. say the areas we want England whose id is 2072
response = soccer.competitions().query.filter(areas=2072).get()
# a few of subresources endpoints within competitions
# Match resource
response = soccer.matches().query.filter(status='FINISHED').get()
# players resource
# areas resource
# teams resource
Competition Resource commands
$ soccer competitions
filters: areas, and plans
$ soccer competitions --areas 2072 # 2072 is england's area id
usually if you are not subscribed to any premium plans, you'r requests will be automatically handled as TIER_ONE
$soccer competitions --plan TIER_ONE # TIER_ONE has access to 14 competitions
$ soccer competitions --id 2021 standings # 2021 is the competition id for English Premier League
$ soccer competitions --id 2021 teams
filters: season and stage
$ soccer competitions --id 2021 teams --season 2017 # season is the year that the league starts in
$ soccer competitions --id 2021 teams --stage <stage>
$ soccer competitions --id 2021 standings
filters: standingtype
$ soccer competitions --id 2021 standings --standingtype HOME
the standing types are case insesitive when fed in through the shell otherwise should be strictly upper.
$ soccer competitions --id 2021 matches
filters : dates(from and to), stage, status, matchday, group, and season
$ soccer competitions --id 2021 matches --from 2018-10-18 --to 2018-10-20
Can use this to get the live matches within a certain competition
$ soccer competitions --id 2021 matches --status LIVE
hope you get the idea and can comfortably use the other filters and a combination of any to specify your query
$ soccer competition --id 2021 scorers
$ soccer competition --id 2021 scorers --limit 20 # to get info on the top 20 scorers of the English premier league
Team resource commands
$ soccer teams --id <id>
used to get match records on which team of given id participated in
$ soccer teams --id 66 matches # 66 happens to be Manchester United's team id
$ soccer teams --id 66 matches --from 2018-09-23 --to 2018-10-01
$ soccer teams --id 66 matches --status CANCELLED
$ soccer teams --id 66 matches --venue <venue>
Match Resource commands
$ soccer matches --status SCHEDULED
$ soccer matches
$ soccer matches --id <match_id>
soccer matches --competitions 2000 # world cup matches
soccer matches --competitions 2021 --competitions 2000 #Request for matches from 2 competitions
Player Resource commands
$ soccer players --id <id> # <id> is the id of player of interest
$ soccer players --id <player_id>
$ soccer players --id 1 --competitions 2021 --status FINISHED
Areas Resource commands
$ soccer areas # retrieves info for all areas in api
$ soccer areas --id 2000 # retrieves info WC whose id is 2000
$ soccer --help
- Europe:
- CL: Champions League
- England:
- PL: Premier League
- EL1: League One
- France:
- FL: Ligue 1
- FL2: Ligue 2
- Germany:
- BL: Bundesliga
- BL2: 2. Bundesliga
- BL3: 3. Liga
- Italy:
- SA: Serie A
- Netherlands:
- DED: Eredivisie
- Portugal:
- PPL: Primeira Liga
- Spain:
- LLIGA: La Liga
- SD: Segunda Division And upto 131+ more competitions oferred by the API, supports all competitions offered by the api
To run testing suite from root of repo
$ python -m unittest discover tests
To run specific test file (in this case the tests in
$ python -m unittest tests.test_request_handler
- replace demo sections
- add how to get ids section
- integrate the writer with updated code
- add a developer interface : to use dot notation and direct method calls as opposed to cli
- id listing
- predictive analytical statistics
- Enable cache
- Add more test cases
- Add fixtures for UEFA Champions League
- Add league filter for live scores
- Color coding for Europa league and differentiation between straight CL and CL playoff spots, and the same for EL spots
- Add support for team line up
- A built in watch feature so you can run once with --live and just leave the program running.
Open sourced under MIT License
This is one of the simplest projects out here on github and it does require lots of help so feel free to branch out and send pull request, or raise any issues that may better the project in the Issues section. Thanks.