

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi! Thanks for your plugin, it helped me for mkdocstrings.

I'm considering dropping the object references feature and recommend using your plugin. I tried it but it does not work with mine (yet). I guess it's simply a matter of selecting tags or else.

Or maybe I missed how it should be used? What is the reference format? [title](ref:section)?

Also, could you explain to me what the code is doing? I understand most of it, but still couldn't wrap my head around the regexes you use. I think if you explain the high-level logic of it, it will help a lot 🙂


The format is just [section], similar to this Pandoc feature: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-implicit_header_references. There is no way to specify a link title, but it would be good to support this.

How it works:
on_nav saves the page objects and markdown text for later. In on_page_content we find all text of the form [section] in the html page, and replace it with an html link if it corresponds to a heading or page. To do this we pass the heading text between the brackets to get_heading_url, which first checks if it's the title of a page, and if so returns the page url. Otherwise it searches the markdown for a heading with the correct text and uses the markdown slugify function to form the url.

The regex to find the heading in the markdown source is ^ *The Heading *$\n^[=-]+$|^#+ *The Heading *$. The first half matches a Setext-style heading (the heading text, a newline, = or - signs) and the second half matches an ATX-style heading (1 or more # signs followed by the heading text).

Hope that makes sense. It's a bit hacky and slow, but it worked for me.

Hi, thanks again!

I eventually implemented this in my plugin, but maybe I'll get it out of it, in another plugin, at some point.

Here's what I did:

  • in on_page_content, populate a mapping of all pages' anchors to their respective URLs
  • in on_post_page, make a soup, find all tags that are not code or child of code, and that contains a [title][ref] or [ref][] markdown reference, and replace all these tags' contents with proper links using the anchor-URL mapping

See the commit here: mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings@bf946e7 😄

As a followup here,
mkdocstrings eventually got an even nicer implementation of this functionality, which is very performant and super reliable:
And later that functionality was moved into a standalone plugin:
The functionality that it covers is the same as your plugin. So please consider adding a recommendation for that plugin to people arriving here.
(or, let me know if you want to hear about all the edge cases that we took into account :D)