
Better name

palash25 opened this issue · 9 comments

The current name is quite long.

Lets keep this issue open for suggestions for better names if that's okay with you @bkhanale

I was thinking something like CP-Sentry ?

Yeah no problem. Any name will work just fine.

How about 'Confest'?

Explain the name please?

Just a portmanteau of contest and fest lol 😝

Just a portmanteau of contest and fest lol stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes

I got that but why fest 🤔 ? Do you meancompetitive contest festsomething like that?

Yes. That's exactly what I meant. Since it'll give the details of all the upcoming contests. Seems far fetched?

Mine was CP-Sentry because CP - stands for competitive programming and Sentry is someone who keeps watch for something specific I think 😕

Well we can have some other people comment here and then have a poll on slack and let the best name win

Can you think of a few more portmanteau involving programming/CP and bots ?

Can't think of any at the moment. I'll comment once something strikes me.