
react strings in tags also highlighted

DeadlySquad13 opened this issue · 13 comments

Hello, thanks for your plugin! Is it possible to highlight components inside React the same way as html tags are highlighted with extended_mode = true?



p00f commented

Can you paste the code? Also the file extension

Can you paste the code? Also the file extension

Of course. App.tsx (extension is tsx, I suppose most people would expect it to also work in jsx):

import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Link, Route, Routes } from 'react-router-dom';

import { FaceMeshApp } from './FaceMeshApp';

export const App = () => {
  return (
      <div className="App">
              <Link to="/">Home</Link>
              <Link to="/about">About</Link>
              <Link to="/faceMeshApp">FaceMeshApp</Link>

        {/* A <Routes> looks through its children <Route>s and
            renders the first one that matches the current URL. */}
          <Route path="/about">{/* <About /> */}</Route>
          <Route path="/faceMeshApp">
            <FaceMeshApp />
          <Route path="/">{/* <Home /> */}</Route>
p00f commented



Thanks for the attention to my issue! This screenshot looks like what I was hoping to get. Can you please show what I am missing on my side?

My configuration

Output of TSInstallInfo:

astro             [✗] not installed
bash              [✓] installed
beancount         [✗] not installed
bibtex            [✗] not installed
c                 [✓] installed
c_sharp           [✗] not installed
clojure           [✗] not installed
cmake             [✓] installed
comment           [✗] not installed
commonlisp        [✗] not installed
cooklang          [✗] not installed
cpp               [✓] installed
css               [✓] installed
cuda              [✗] not installed
d                 [✗] not installed
dart              [✗] not installed
devicetree        [✗] not installed
dockerfile        [✗] not installed
dot               [✗] not installed
eex               [✗] not installed
elixir            [✗] not installed
elm               [✗] not installed
elvish            [✗] not installed
embedded_template [✗] not installed
erlang            [✗] not installed
fennel            [✗] not installed
fish              [✗] not installed
foam              [✗] not installed
fortran           [✗] not installed
fusion            [✗] not installed
gdscript          [✗] not installed
gleam             [✗] not installed
glimmer           [✗] not installed
glsl              [✗] not installed
go                [✗] not installed
godot_resource    [✗] not installed
gomod             [✗] not installed
gowork            [✗] not installed
graphql           [✗] not installed
hack              [✗] not installed
haskell           [✗] not installed
hcl               [✗] not installed
heex              [✗] not installed
help              [✗] not installed
hjson             [✗] not installed
hocon             [✗] not installed
html              [✓] installed
http              [✗] not installed
java              [✗] not installed
javascript        [✓] installed
jsdoc             [✓] installed
json              [✗] not installed
json5             [✗] not installed
jsonc             [✗] not installed
julia             [✗] not installed
kotlin            [✗] not installed
lalrpop           [✗] not installed
latex             [✗] not installed
ledger            [✗] not installed
llvm              [✗] not installed
lua               [✓] installed
m68k              [✗] not installed
make              [✗] not installed
markdown          [✗] not installed
markdown_inline   [✗] not installed
ninja             [✗] not installed
nix               [✗] not installed
norg              [✗] not installed
ocaml             [✗] not installed
ocaml_interface   [✗] not installed
ocamllex          [✗] not installed
org               [✗] not installed
pascal            [✗] not installed
perl              [✗] not installed
php               [✗] not installed
phpdoc            [✗] not installed
pioasm            [✗] not installed
prisma            [✗] not installed
proto             [✗] not installed
pug               [✗] not installed
python            [✓] installed
ql                [✗] not installed
qmljs             [✗] not installed
query             [✗] not installed
r                 [✗] not installed
rasi              [✗] not installed
regex             [✓] installed
rego              [✗] not installed
rnoweb            [✗] not installed
rst               [✗] not installed
ruby              [✗] not installed
rust              [✗] not installed
scala             [✗] not installed
scheme            [✗] not installed
scss              [✓] installed
slint             [✗] not installed
solidity          [✗] not installed
sparql            [✗] not installed
sql               [✗] not installed
supercollider     [✗] not installed
surface           [✗] not installed
svelte            [✗] not installed
swift             [✗] not installed
teal              [✗] not installed
tiger             [✗] not installed
tlaplus           [✗] not installed
todotxt           [✗] not installed
toml              [✗] not installed
tsx               [✓] installed
turtle            [✗] not installed
typescript        [✓] installed
v                 [✗] not installed
vala              [✗] not installed
verilog           [✗] not installed
vim               [✗] not installed
vue               [✗] not installed
wgsl              [✗] not installed
yaml              [✗] not installed
yang              [✗] not installed
zig               [✗] not installed

Output of TSConfigInfo:

  auto_install = false,
  ensure_installed = {},
  ignore_install = <1>{},
  modules = {
    context_commentstring = {
      disable = {},
      enable = true,
      enable_autocmd = false,
      loaded = true,
      module_path = "ts_context_commentstring.internal"
    highlight = {
      additional_vim_regex_highlighting = false,
      custom_captures = {},
      disable = {},
      enable = true,
      loaded = true,
      module_path = "nvim-treesitter.highlight"
    ignore_install = <table 1>,
    incremental_selection = {
      disable = {},
      enable = true,
      keymaps = {
        init_selection = "gnn",
        node_decremental = "grm",
        node_incremental = "grn",
        scope_incremental = "grc"
      loaded = true,
      module_path = "nvim-treesitter.incremental_selection"
    indent = {
      disable = {},
      enable = true,
      loaded = true,
      module_path = "nvim-treesitter.indent"
    rainbow = {
      colors = { "#cc241d", "#a89984", "#b16286", "#d79921", "#689d6a", "#d65d0e", "#458588" },
      disable = {},
      enable = true,
      extended_mode = true,
      loaded = true,
      module_path = "rainbow.internal",
      termcolors = { "Red", "Green", "Yellow", "Blue", "Magenta", "Cyan", "White" }
  sync_install = false,
  update_strategy = "lockfile"
p00f commented

You're missing the update 85ff020

You're missing the update 85ff020

Yes, my mistake, sorry, haven't seen that you mentioned a commit.
I have tested it a little bit, everything is fine, however, highlighting is a little bit wrong: attributes and other captures inside tag are not taken into consideration:
In html they're highlighted properly, though ("App" is string - so it's green, to is attribute - so it's black, etc...):

p00f commented

If I fix that then I don't think I can highlight the <>:

p00f commented

Should be fixed now

Has the fix been released?

Also, not sure if it is relavent, but this doesn't seem to effect self-closing tags


....also, kinda digging it a bit. Does that make me crazy? Maybe a feature to have the attributes the same color as the rainbow parens?

p00f commented

The fix caused another bug which was more serious so I rolled it back

p00f commented

Maybe a feature to have the attributes the same color as the rainbow parens?

I think that would be possible if this issue gets fixed

@p00f this is looking really great!!!
@Gelio good work!

p00f commented

Closing as the issue seems to be fixed 🚀