
NameError; name 'arguments' is not defined; arguments.csv

Tobi0878 opened this issue · 3 comments

Installation with git clone: an error occurs after the usernames have been checked, see screenshot
The installation with docker works without error


Same here (fresh install in my own Docker today).

The error means, that the commandline arguments object from argparse is unknown at this point of execution. Since it is async I woul recommend to pass that (or better just the CSV flag) in at this function call here like so:

# In the definition
async def findUsername(username, interfaceType, flag_csv=False)

# and the call (in blackbird.py - webserver.py need not to be changed)
asyncio.run(findUsername(arguments.username, interfaceType, arguments.csv))

Works well for me after these changes !

Hi @Pitastic, can you please open a PR to fix this Issue?

Here you are :)