
C++ three-oscillator synthesizer made with olcNoiseMaker, OpenGL, GLFW, and GLAD

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Triscillator is an additive synthesizer with three oscillators that can choose between 7 waveforms.

It consists of an interface for creating and manipulating waveforms, contained in csynth.h and csynth.cpp, and a graphical interface that extends this interface into a desktop app, in main.cpp, vertices.h, and colors.h.


  1. Obtain the GLAD and GLFW libraries: Generate GLAD Download pre-compiled GLFW binaries

  2. Ensure that project is in 32-bit (x86) Mode

  3. Link libraries to project:

    VC++ Directories:

     Include Directories:
     Library Directores:
     	(for lib-vc2022 use your local version)


     Code Generation
     	Runtime Library
     		If Debug Mode: Multi-Threaded Debug DLL
     		If Release Mode: Multi-Threaded DLL
     	Security Check
     		Disable Security Check


     	Additional Dependencies
     		(for lib-vc2022 use your local version)
  4. Build app


  1. Play notes: Press a key on your computer keyboard that corresponds with the key in the interface. You can press multiple at once.
  2. Change oscillators: Hover or press the drop-down labelled square. Select an oscillator type from the dropdown.
  3. Change volume: Press the up and down arrows on the screen to increase or decrease the volume of each individual oscillator.
  4. Change note: Press the up and down arrows on the screen to increment or decrement the pitch of each individual oscillator by one tone.
  5. Toggle oscillator on/off: Press the on/off switch on top of each oscillator to turn it on or off.
  6. Change playback octave: Press the left and right arrows around the octave control to move the keyboard up and down an octave.
  7. Change preset: Hover or press the drop-down labelled preset. Select a preset from the dropdown.
  8. Change envelope: Click the Env button to change to the envelope tab. This allows you to change attack, decay, sustain, and release (ADSR). a. Drag and drop a vertex to change ADSR fluidly. b. Press the up and down arrows that correspond to each control to change ADSR incrementally.


  • [] Fix intense lag when manipulating ADSR
  • [] Multiple keybinds: press screen to play note and press computer keyboard to play note
  • [] Fullscreen support
  • [] Text generation and numerical feedback
  • [] Implement detune and LFO controls in interface
  • [] Save and load custom presets
  • [] Unlimited presets
  • [] MIDI compatibility


Synth by One Lone Coder. Used olcNoiseMaker.h and encapsulated the synthesizer functionality into an interface.
