
Auto-Ricing for my Arch! Inspired by i3-themer

Primary LanguageShell

Auto-Rice Arch Linux

This project is to bootstrap a fresh Arch Linux installation with all the basic tools I need.
Inspired by i3wm-themer, actually, I'm using 004 theme here :)


curl -L https://bit.ly/p31d3ng-ricing -o a.sh && sh a.sh
After all installation, please reboot your machine! (or logout and log back in then do sudo systemctl start lxdm)


Customizations (You can always disable them in YAML)

  • The script will create a group whose members can run any sudo command without password.
  • Default shell is BASH, but chsh -s $(which fish) is highly recommended after installation
  • Xmodmap for emulating HHKB layout! Once you go HHKB you'll never go back :)
  • Using my personal VIMRC which is minimal but with auto-completion.
  • Using Emacs keybinding in VS Code with some minor changes. Yes I'm using VIM + Emacs at the same time!

How to customize your own installation scripts (YAML based config system)

./post-ricing-tasks.yaml for running post-ricing tasks.

- name: "vscode-exts"
  description: install extentions for VS Code
  enable: true
  depends: # optional field
    - optional-aur-pkgs
    - loc: "tasks/install_vscode_exts.sh"
      params:  # optional field
        - "packages/vscode-exts"
  • You can add a new YAML list item to execute any script you want.
  • If nothing is at scripts: - loc, the task won't run
  • If enable is set to fasle, the task won't run
  • If dependent tasks are not executed because of any of the two reasons above, the task won't run

./dotfiles/config.yaml for customized configurations for installed packages.

- name: "Xmodmap"
  action: replace
  config_loc: ~/.Xmodmap
  ref_loc: Xmodmap
  skip_for_vm: true  # optional field
  • supported actions:
    • replace: it's actually a wrapper of cp -r
    • append: a wrapper of cat file >> config
    • insert_json: it will append content to and indent the artifact JSON file.
  • config_loc: the (config) file that need to be changed or overwritten
  • ref_loc: location for your custom config file, the base folder is dotfiles/files
  • skip_for_vm: if set to true, the task will not run while in virtual machine

Packages to be installed

Required? Name Description Source
Y sudo For adding sudoers pacman
Y go Dependencies for Yay package manager for AUR, and of course, for the task framework. pacman
Y ntp For time/timezone sync pacman
Y dhcp For network address lease pacman
Y git Version control, also critical dependencies for later scripts pacman
Y base-devel Dependencies for polybar etc. pacman
Y python who don't need python :) pacman
Y python-pip python package manager pacman
Y xorg-server Xorg display server pacman
Y xorg-xrdb For Xresources, basically for global emacs keybindings pacman
Y xorg-xrandr For multi-monitor display and resolution adjustment pacman
Y xorg-xmodmap For remapping keyboarding to my customized HHKB layout pacman
Y xorg-xdpinfo For determining current display resolution pacman
Y xorg-xinput For tweaking the xinput like touchpad pacman
Y xorg-xbacklight backlight control for laptops pacman
Y networkmanager For managing network connections pacman
Y i3-gaps i3 window managaer with gaps between windows pacman
Y rofi App quick lanucher like Mac Spotlight/Alfred pacman
Y rxvt-unicode Terminal emulator pacman
Y adobe-source-code-pro-fonts fonts pacman
Y ttf-font-awesome fonts pacman
Y lxdm A fast and lightweight login manager pacman
Y jsoncpp Dependencies for something which I forgot, basically adding json support to cpp pacman
Y ranger File explorer which looks awesome pacman
Y feh Image viewer, also for setting desktop background pacman
Y polybar-git status bar for i3 window manager AUR
Y ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols fonts AUR
Y pamac-tray-appindicator GUI for all installed packages AUR
N facter For summarize system hardware information pacman
N zeal Ofiicial documentation lookup tool for development pacman
N fish My favorite shell pacman
N VIM Yeah I'm a VIM + Emacs user, VIM in terminal and VS Code + Emacs keybindings for dev pacman
N jq Terminal JSON query tool pacman
N neofetch show off boring system info pacman
N network-manager-applet status bar for network manager pacman
N xf86-video-intel intel driver for Xorg (for backlight control) pacman
N alsa-util sound drivers and amixer to adjust volume pacman
N xorg-xev check keycode pacman
N pulseaudio-alsa Pulse Audio driver to toggle unmute pacman
N arc-gtk-theme themes, basically for Arc-Dark pacman
N openssh OpenSSH, you know, nothing fancy pacman
N okular Okular PDF/ePub reader pacman
N thunar GUI file manager built on GTK2+ pacman
N emacs Well, you know, just emacs pacman
N mosh SSH client in UDP pacman
N the_silver_searcher Well, you know, just emacs pacman
N dnsutils DNS utils like nslookup and dig pacman
N i3lock i3lock for locking screen pacman
N xss-lock to handle suspend/hibernate behavior and start i3lock once recovered pacman
N visual-studio-code-bin VS Code :) My personal favorite AUR
N clipit Pasteboard history management tool AUR
N lxdm-themes Making LXDM look better AUR
N firefox browser, basically for DNS-over-HTTPS AUR
N google-chrome browser, since firefox does NOT honor gtk keybindings anymore AUR
N ttf-monaco My default font in Emacs AUR


  • go tool to change theme like i3wm-themer