
Unable to connect to upload/connect to printer. Connection testing ok from app but will not upload.(3 rh icons stay greyed out)

stewrat2 opened this issue · 12 comments

IOS 16.1. Stopped working after upgrade to v3.7

Sorry to hear, that you have encountered an issue. On our side, we cannot see this issue, running iPadOS 16.1 and v3.7. Could you please explain, what „ 3 rh icons“ means ? Or even better send a screenshot or short video, so we can see the issue happening on your side ?

The photo is located where ? We cannot see it and the attachment is not visible on github.

Do you use the github ipad App ? Seems the photo attachment is not properly forwarded to github. Or at least, we cannot find it.

Sorry for bothering you again for this photo.

Ok. As this does not work, let us try by text.
On the right side, there are six icons, if thumbnail is enabled:

  1. slicing
  2. snapshot
  3. info
  4. slice filter
  5. printer
  6. share

Our understanding from your description is, that 1/2/3/4 are working as expected.
icon 5 is gray ?
If icon 5 is working, do you reach the upload view ?
icon 6 is working ?

Thanks for the feedback. There is a common flag, which controls the disabled state for those buttons. Between V3.6 and V3.7 have been done few changes in regard to this flag. Why in your setup the flag is apparently not updated at all, is still a miracle to us.

Anyway, we have cleaned up the code for management of this flag, which hopefully fixes this phenomenon. As the problem does not appear on our side, we cannot verify, that this change is successful. Due to few other fixes in the pipeline, we will directly push out v3.8 to Apple for release in the AppStore.

Looking forward to your feedback for v3.8

Happy to hear, that it works again. Looking forward to more feedback, which helps us to make PrintTo3D better and better.

Enjoy slicing on your iPad :-)