
Upgrade p455w0rdslib-1.12.2-2.2.156 causes dank null to crash game while loading

Closed this issue ยท 12 comments


I'm guessing that there is a companion dank/null update that was not available on curse at the time of updating lib mod.

I'll just back rev until cleared

yes, I think so, but every update and so

Heres the crash log in an enviorment with only the mods that cause the issue
Here is the debug log
And here is the startup log

fix bro ?!?

here you go:
the permanent fix
enjoy :)

what ??? where is the fix dude ???

1: This issue is with /dank/null and this tracker is for p455w0rd's Library.
2: Due to many peoples' impatience, selfishness, demanding attitudes, and derogatory messages, I have discontinued /dank/null until I can regain the mental sanity I need to work on it. The fix is that there is no more /dank/null. Remove it from your packs and have a nice life :)

then don't release updates if you don't want people to blast you

This is the issue. People bugging a mod dev on ANOTHER one of their mods for an update. If i was pa55w0rd i wouldve done the same thing and remove any available jar files for the mod. People have lives, they dont exist only to update one single mod that a few people complain about. Deal with the mod being gone .you GhEpplO82 are part of the issue with mod developers recieving hate for being busy.

Use the most recent version of /dank/null and use THIS version of the library:

Fixed it for me

the behavior of GhEppIO82 is of someone who never has never touched java in any meaningful way, and lets not talk about the disrespect maybe watching a little to much drdisrespect?

@GhEppIO82 - why don't you get off your lazy arse and learn some java and be productive - maybe get out of your mums basement once in a while.

ty to those that helped others with a temp solution during all this...you guys are the real superstars here <3