
Feature: Get Track Details

Opened this issue · 4 comments

From conversation on #13.

Need to decide what details? Guess it doesn't matter we can always add more.

2 options:

  1. Individual functions (get_track_artist(), get_track_album()...).
  2. get_track_info() -> detailsTable

I kind of like 2. more. Thoughts?

I think for now getting the info of the currently playing track is plenty good enough. If someone wants we could add get_track_details(trackname)

Yeah, I think the 2. option would give more flexibility to the users. And we wouldn't have to create X function to access X type of details.

Exactly, we just add fields to the table. We'll just need to be clear that the table fields may be extended between releases so people shouldn't iterate over it.

We could start with

  1. Track Name
  2. Track Artist
  3. Track Album

And expand if anyone wants.