
Wrong participant with bold_only flag

Closed this issue · 3 comments

After running a preprocessing of one task type for a participant (sub-03), I was trying to run another task type for the same participant using bold_only flag. The program was terminated because of messing up with the initial participant (sub-02, shown in pic below)


Actually, is there any way to run multiple bold_task_type at one time? I tried '--bold_task_type taska taskb taskc' but it only runs for taska.

Thank you so much!

Sorry, forgot to mention that I always run it with --participant_label 03

Hi, @xingyu-liu.
We've resolved the bug with using bold_only flag and --participant_label flag.
You can pull ninganme/deepprep:v23.1.0 and try it again.
We'll be adding the feature of multiple bold_task_type soon. Keep an eye on #107 for updates.

Great! Thank you so much for the quick response!