
`auth` must be present... error when calling function from another function

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Hi all. Just getting started with the JS SDK and having some trouble with authentication. I created a function that successfully returns the token based on UN + PW authentication. This function works fine if I run it directly, however I get the error in the title when I call the authentication function from within another function.

I tried adding the 'auth' param but get a login failed error when it's present. Any input is appreciated.

Auth Function

const pcloud = require('pcloud-sdk-js')
const app = require('./app.json');
global.locationid = 1;

async function getAuth() {

    const params = {
        getauth: true,
        username: [REDACTED],
        password: [REDACTED],

    const options = {
        method: 'get',
        responsetype: 'json',
        params: params

    const result = await pcloud.ApiRequest('userinfo', options)
        .then(result => { 
            return result.auth 
        .catch(err => { console.log(err) });

Test Function

const pcloud = require('pcloud-sdk-js')
const app = require('./app.json');
const getAuth = require('./getAuth.js')

global.locationid = 1;

async function getExtractArchive() {
    const auth = await getAuth

    const params = {
        fileid: 'test',
        tofolderid: 'test'

    const options = {
        auth: auth,
        params: params

    const extractedArchive = await pcloud.ApiRequest('extractarchive', options)

    if (extractedArchive.finshed == 'false') {
        setTimeout(extractArchive, 10000)
    } else {
        return extractedArchive
