
CMGF Reader could not open file

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, I am trying to run some raw files to find glycosylation sites. However, I keep running into an error that the CMGF reader cannot open a file on my computer that exists and is in the correct location. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Thank you!


I think this is due to RAW data parsing error, the MGF file is not generated.

Hello, thank you for responding! After the run (with errors) completes, an MGF file is generated and stored on my computer. When I run this MGF file on a separate run I am able to successfully get data and generate spectra on pLabel. Is there any problem with doing things this way?

Hmm, that's wired. Searching from raw file did not run through but MGF file was generated. And search MGF file was finished

Hi Jalew188,

Is there an update to this issue? I'm encountering the same problem (.mgf generated) but pGlyco3 says:
[pGlyco Error] Open in CMGFReader: Could not open file: C:\Users\Downloads\ID_06_HCDFT.mgf.
