
Blank screen

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug

After install get a blank screen when you go to admin123 doesn't work or the main site doesn't work.

We used git to install and composer

if i use the script from it works but you cant reg at all on the reg page

2dned commented

Go to FTP, look for _protected/app/config/config.ini

will see about line 20
; 'production' or 'development'
environment = production

change production to development
save, refresh, should see an error now.

OK Thanks. Do you know why you cant login to the admin or make a new user. but everything is hooked up to the DB

pH-7 commented

@Mateable-com You meant that when you try to login as an admin through the admin panel with the credentials you mentioned during the installation, it keeps saying your credentials are incorrect?

Access to Admin Panel -

pH-7 commented

Any errors in the log file? (located at _protected/data/logs/)

@Mateable-com You meant that when you try to login as an admin through the admin panel with the credentials you mentioned during the installation, it keeps saying your credentials are incorrect?

Access to Admin Panel -

There was no errors at all. It did not say anything when you click on submit it would bring you back to the same page and wo t let you login. not sure if it needs to be on https? We are using php 8.2.5 Is it ok to email you.