
Cannot login to Admin

Opened this issue · 13 comments

Describe the bug

Admin page keeps refreshing and clears login fields.
Not logging in to Admin site.
No error

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...' admin123/main/login
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected Behavior

Login in to Admin site.

Screenshots / Screencasts

(if applicable, add screenshots or screencast the scenario to help explain your issue the best you can.)

PHP 8.0

This is the same thing what was going on with me too we are running 8.2.5 php and ph7Builder 17.9.1

Were you able to fix it?

So I just found out you need HTTPS then it will work..

Not correct. I have HTTPS. Always on my websites.

we didnt have it on at first then we put it on and it started working right way so not sure.

HTTPS is always on. I did a search and we were not alone with this issue and no help at all from the developers. Seems like an unreliable software.

Now I have the admin page shown but can't login. Comes always up with

`The following error was found:

"Email", "Username" or "Password" is incorrect`

despite that everything is correct.

This one is a PIA.

Try to clear your Cache on your computer.

Caches are always cleared on all 4 browsers I use. I can login into the user page but not into the admin page. I always get

`The following error was found:

"Email", "Username" or "Password" is incorrect`

but everything is correct.

pH-7 commented

@MAD-King Anything in the PHP log? (PHP logs are located at _protected/data/log/pH7log/ and open the file there if any).

If there is something, could you share the error message here?

I am using my own server for this software now and it works as supposed to. Somehow, it does not like shared hosting accounts. I think this is good so. I also would rather pay for a yearly license to have better support.

I have similar issue. For no reason when you login, the password on database does change automatically. I have opened new issue, I don't know if they are same or different issues. Which causes that you can't login again. Where are the developers? Where's the "login" routine of this app?

I have pull request that fixes the bug.