
Language file from Github

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Language file from Github.

I downloaded the language files from github and uploaded them to the server. the flags are there now and you can click on them. only problem is the language doesn't change. in the url, if you click on the german flag, it says /?l=de. only everything remains in English. I don't get along with the description from the Github page :-( can someone please help me?

2dned commented

Hi just had a look for you, i uploaded the international pack, installed sql
I see flags at bottom, click first one Dutch, some text has changed to German and some English, menu bar is German and half of profile is English lol.

I may have to translate a file.

I installed this here. So the files are loaded onto the server. it just doesn't work with the translation. the only thing that happened is that the flags are there. but nothing more. what should I do?

2dned commented

I installed this here. So the files are loaded onto the server. it just doesn't work with the translation. the only thing that happened is that the flags are there. but nothing more. what should I do?

Did you install the pH7CMSLangs.sql to database?
In config/config.ini line 16 "en_US" needs to change to "de_DE"

how do I do that? pH7CMSLangs.sql to database

2dned commented

open your phpMyAdmin, import the sql file, make sure the prefix is ph7_ (the default prefix)

2dned commented

your prefix is ph7c6_

Replace "ph7_" by your prefix set in "~/_protected/app/configs/config.ini" [database] prefix variable

It will add a new table in DB ph7c6_language_info

I will do some testing tonight and get back to you.

2dned commented

i have mostly working here

But it doesn't seem to work with the prefix ph7c6 for some reason on my wampserver,

2dned commented

This is a zip with the .sql rewritten to suit your database, i changed the ph7 to ph7c6 in the file.

That's really kind of you. But shortly before that I had redesigned the page and the Pref. made on ph7_. It works with French, but if you click on the flag, for example, almost all of them only come up in English. only france there it is in french :-( what am i doing wrong?

Is it because only the en.xml and fr.xml is in configs/routes? but how do I create an xml for example?

2dned commented

yes i think your problem is you need the de.xml
I tried to rename it but it didn't work, will look more into it and get back to you.

2dned commented

open the fr.xml, change the French URLs to German, example below. I am making a de.xml, will take a day to finish it.

  <route url="@([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)" path="system/modules" module="user" controller="profile" action="index" vars="username" />
  <route url="anmeldung" path="system/modules" module="user" controller="signup" action="step1" />
  <route url="anmeldung" path="system/modules" module="user" controller="main" action="login" />
  <route url="erneute-aktivierung" path="system/modules" module="user" controller="main" action="resendactivation" />
  <route url="benutzer/einstellung/konto löschen/?([a-z]+)?" path="system/modules" module="user" controller="setting" action="delete" vars="delete_status" />
  <!-- admin -->
  <route url="Benutzer/Bearbeiten/?([0-9]+)?" path="system/modules" module="user" controller="setting" action="edit" vars="profile_id" />
  <route url="Benutzer/Avatar/?([0-9]+)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)?/?([^/]+)?/?([a-z]+)?" path="system/modules" module="user" controller="setting" action="avatar" vars="profile_id,username,first_name,sex" />
  <route url="Benutzer/Design/?([0-9]+)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)?/?([^/]+)?/?([a-z]+)?" path="system/modules" module="user" controller="setting" action="design" vars="profile_id,username,first_name,sex" `/>
2dned commented

@xtodaimand i add a zip file, unzip it and add the de.xml to the routes folder so you will have en.xml, fr.xml and de.xml now.

Please open the de.xml with editor and change any mis spelling. Im from Australia and don't speak German so some translate might be off a little.

also ich habe langsam echt die faxen dicke von dem scheiss! das ist mir noch nie unter gekommen dass das nicht recht einfach eingebaut werden kann! ich habe keine lust mehr auf diese möchte gern sprachenpaket!

Hi, for the past 2 weeks I think I've installed the setup 99 times, I've read and re-read the procedures, but I really can't get it to work in French. Apart from the flags at the bottom of the screen, nothing works. I've even bought the poedit licence so that I can do the translations myself, but I haven't quite worked out how to do that yet. I'm adopting the programme, but I'm going crazy!