
Is this repo still checked?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

My concern being if this is enterprise ready, I'm hoping someone is checking these issues otherwise, you could lose a potential future customer that wants to pay for support and other things.

I've suggested this to try out on a small scale to see if it might fit a larger scale project but not seeing any responses is making me nervous.

Thanks very much for raising this concern @dac2020. I appreciate it. This repo is still being checked and maintained 🙂 With that being said, I am also looking for a few main contributors to speed up the upcoming new features (see current pH7Builder's Milestones and other upcoming changes).

Have a great day @dac2020!

Apologies for the mess of comments. I started out asking one question, worked my way through that so updated to a different question etc. I wish I could help but I'm not a developer.

Thank you for responding and happy to hear it's alive and well so will keep trying to get my test site up.

BTW, I emailed you but maybe it landed in spam.