
verification-code authentication does not functiong when website is in Maintenance Mode

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This is partially an oops on my end, I appeared to have enabled the MFA feature and did not consider my site being in maintenance mode. lol.

https://URL/verification-code/admin123 does not function correctly after the CMS is put into maintenance mode.
The website does not prompt for a code in order to access the admin pages.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Admins Login user settings
  2. Enable MFA
  3. Go to General Settings, enable maintenance mode and log out.
  4. No error is issues, but the page never redirects to the MFA

Expected Behavior

I expect to be prompted for a code to use my Google Authenticatior.

Screenshots / Screencasts

(if applicable, add screenshots or screencast the scenario to help explain your issue the best you can.)