
Error on writing to signals on first open

elementalTIMING opened this issue · 14 comments


since the update to Angular 17 I get the following error message when initiating the color picker.

Error: NG0600: Writing to signals is not allowed in a `computed` or an `effect` by default. Use `allowSignalWrites` in the `CreateEffectOptions` to enable this inside effects.
	at core.mjs:31253:15
	at throwInvalidWriteToSignalError (signals.mjs:407:5)
	at signalSetFn (signals.mjs:444:9)
	at getter.set (core.mjs:17192:26)
	at Object.next (iplab-ngx-color-picker.mjs:1642:24)
	at ConsumerObserver.next (Subscriber.js:91:33)
	at SafeSubscriber._next (Subscriber.js:60:26)
	at SafeSubscriber.next (Subscriber.js:31:18)
	at distinctUntilChanged.js:14:28
	at OperatorSubscriber._next (OperatorSubscriber.js:13:21)

The error is shown when the component is initialized the first time. It also is shown in "template" mode only, like:

<sketch-picker [(color)]="color[key]"></sketch-picker>

The usage with <chrome-picker [control]="ColorPickerControl"> is fine, but the use of ColorPickerControl is no option.

Please can you fix it?

Hi @elementalTIMING, it will be fixed today

Hi @elementalTIMING, it will be fixed today

Great! Thx!

I can't reproduce it, can you try this code in the demo page? Or is it possible to send me a wider context, that is, the code in which this component is located?

can you send me a picture of this line of code in lib 1642?
"line at Object.next (iplab-ngx-color-picker.mjs:1642:24)"

I can't reproduce it, can you try this code in the demo page? Or is it possible to send me a wider context, that is, the code in which this component is located?

not really. I just have Angular 17 (meanwhile 18) installed and call it as shown it here

<sketch-picker [(color)]="color[key]"></sketch-picker>

Well, this needs to be done

computed(() => {
}, { allowSignalWrites: true })

I don't have computed() anywhere in the code, also none of the effects I have used, does not use a signal to set the color

I don't have computed() anywhere in the code, also none of the effects I have used, does not use a signal to set the color

Wow, that' weird, But the error code shows:

Error: NG0600: Writing to signals is not allowed in a `computed` or an `effect` by default. Use `allowSignalWrites` in the `CreateEffectOptions` to enable this inside effects.
    at core.mjs:32182:15
    at throwInvalidWriteToSignalError (signals.mjs:414:5)
    at signalSetFn (signals.mjs:451:9)
    at getter.set (core.mjs:18076:26)
    at Object.next (iplab-ngx-color-picker.mjs:1642:24)
    at ConsumerObserver.next (Subscriber.js:91:33)
    at SafeSubscriber._next (Subscriber.js:60:26)
    at SafeSubscriber.next (Subscriber.js:31:18)
    at distinctUntilChanged.js:14:28
    at OperatorSubscriber._next (OperatorSubscriber.js:13:21)

If I follow this code, then the issue comes from here


Thanks, It would be great if you could give me more context for ng-template so I can write test scenarios very fast! :)

Thanks, It would be great if you could give me more context for ng-template so I can write test scenarios very fast! :)

Well, that's easy to do :-) This is the code fragment from where I call it. Pls, don't be confused about the form. It doesn't have a real function yet. The popover comes from Valor Bootstrap (https://valor-software.com/ngx-bootstrap/#/components/popover?tab=overview#popover-context)

<form #form="ngForm">
	<div class="form-row">
		<div class="col-12">
			<h6>Background Color</h6>
			<div class="row align-middle">
				<label class="col-3 col-form-label col-form-label-sm">Grid Color</label>
				<div class="col-1">
					<div class="single-color border" [ngStyle]="{ 'background-color': lapCounterData.gridColor }" title="Grid Color" [popover]="popColorTemplate" [popoverContext]="{ color: lapCounterData, key: 'gridColor' }" [outsideClick]="true">&nbsp;</div>

The lapCounterData data structure looks like this:

/** the data model with the scoreboard user profile settings */
public lapCounterData: ILapCounterSettings;

export interface ILapCounterSettings {
	laneColors: ILapCounterSkater[];

	isShowSkaterNames: boolean;
	isShowIcons: boolean;
	logo: string;

	bgColor: string;
	gridColor: string;
	gridSize: number;

So what I'm doing is to use the lapCounterData.gridColor property for the color picker. Hopefully, this information gives you some ideas.

Thank you very much, it will be helpful for me to write a test scenario, I can see where the problem is, the effect reacts to the input binding, and also then via the subject I emit a change on the control which again sets the value on the signal in the circuit. Although it can't go round because of the distinct check, I'll change the logic a bit

Thank you very much, it will be helpful for me to write a test scenario, I can see where the problem is, the effect reacts to the input binding, and also then via the subject I emit a change on the control which again sets the value on the signal in the circuit

Good to hear that my input was a bit helpful. I'm crossing my fingers that you'll be able to provide a fix. :-)

It works like a charm now again! Thx a lot!

Also version 18 is available ;)

Installed and quick tested. Works! :-)