
IMPACT OSS - server-side application & API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


IMPACT OSS server application

This is the source code for the server-side application (the "API") of IMPACT OSS.

It is a Rails 5.0.1 application and is a thin server that is responsible for:

  • database management and access via an API (Application Programming Interface)
  • user authentication
  • automated email reminders
IMPACT OSS client application

It complements the IMPACT OSS client-side application (the "UI") that you can find here: https://github.com/impactoss/impactoss-client

The client is a React JavaScript application and is a single page application that is responsible for:

  • public User Interface (UI)
  • admin UI


IMPACT OSS is an Open Source Software (OSS) for Integrated Management and Planning of Actions (IMPACT), created to assist States with coordinating and monitoring implementation of human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The IMPACT OSS project is maintained by the Impact Open Source Software Trust. To learn more about the project and the Trust see https://impactoss.org


Configuration & Installation

The IMPACT OSS installation guide provides detailed instructions on how to configure and install both server and client applications: https://install-guide.impactoss.org/

How to set up a development environment


This project requires:

  • Ruby 2.3.3, preferably managed using rbenv
  • PhantomJS (in order to use the poltergeist gem)
  • PostgreSQL must be installed and accepting connections

On a Mac, you can obtain all of the above packages using Homebrew. If you wish to use Docker, the above dependencies will be provided by the Dockerfile and docker-compose file included in this repository.

If you need help setting up a Ruby development environment, check out this Rails OS X Setup Guide.

Set up secrets
cp config/secrets-sample.yml config/secrets.yml

and edit. You can generate a new secret to use, like this:

rake secret
Set up Devise
cp config/initializers/devise-sample.rb config/initializers/devise.rb

Then edit to include a secret_key, example:

# rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength
config.secret_key = 'your-secret-goes-here'
# rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength

Code style

This project uses overcommit to enforce code style. To enable overcommit locally

gem install overcommit
overcommit -i

You'll need to sign the overcommit (verify you're happy with it executing). Do this after installing, and again every time the overcommit config changes.

overcommit --sign

To install the extra linters, run

[sudo] pip install yamllint
npm install -g jshint

Getting started

With Docker

Run docker-compose up to create and start a DB and app image, with the app listening on port 3000. You will also need to run docker-compose run app rake db:setup to create and seed a development database. The app has several configuration value that can be set that are listed in the example.env file. You can either copy this file to .env and provide your own configuration, or explicitly pass in your configuration to the docker run command.

If you already have a database instance and just wish to run the app you will need to build the image:

docker build . -t "undp-human-rights-national-reporting"

And then run the resulting image:

docker run undp-human-rights-national-reporting -P -e PGHOST=YOUR_DB_HOST -e PGUSER=YOUR_PG_USER

Without Docker

Run the bin/setup script. This script will:

  • Check you have the required Ruby version
  • Install gems using Bundler
  • Create local copies of .env and database.yml
  • Create, migrate, and seed the database
Run it!
  1. Run rake spec to make sure everything works.
  2. Run rails s to start the Rails app.




This project is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.md.