
A personalized messenger bot designed to do numerous tasks.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Messenger Bot

Paarth's Bot on FB

What is it?

Created using Node.js, Paarth's Bot is an interactive messenger bot that completes various tasks from changing the chat colours, to finding the weather given a location!

Current Status

  • Changes chat colour
  • Recognizes keywords such as 'paarth'
  • Outputs weather with given location
  • Outputs snapshot stock data, given a symbol

How to use

git clone https://github.com/paarthmadan/messenger-bot

Create config.js

    email: 'enter email',
    password: 'enter password'


node index.js

Commands (so far)

/paarth - outputs special phrase!
/weather **City, State/Province/Country **
/stock ** Symbol **
/colour #FFFFFF