
Diurnal is a small utility to switch stylesheets for bright and dark page styles on a daily basis.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Live Demo Here

Diurnal is a small (2KB) utility to switch stylesheets for bright and dark page styles. A cookie is set to keep the setting for one day.

  • Bright

If you're coding by the pool, remember to keep your laptop dry. But also, it's gonna be hard to see the screen with a dark background and light text.

Switch to bright mode and enjoy the Sun!

  • Dark

If you're up late, stuck on a coding binge or lost in dependency hell, be sure to mind your vision with a brighter screen (yes, it helps you focus), but no so bright it gives you a headache.

Switch to dark mode and chill into the night.

Browser Compatibility

  • Chrome 88/Brave 1.19 - looks great
  • Safari 13.1 - looks good, sun symbol in controls is slightly smaller and lower than Chrome
  • Firefox 84 - looks fine, sun symbol slightly smaller still

Patches to normalize cross browser appreciated!


Diurnal uses node to load its one library (cookies.js) and then directly links to it via es6 file imports. This enables browser loading of the source via index.html and no need for a hot-watching server.

A single-file distribution may be built by using rollup:

npm i
npm run build

> @pablo-mayrgundter/diurnal.js@1.0.4 build
> rollup -c --environment INCLUDE_DEPS,BUILD:production

diurnal.module.js → diurnal.js...
created diurnal.js in 49ms

This will include all deps into diurnal.js.